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The wrong end of Bergmannstr.


There are Kurfürstendamm and Friedrichstraße, Berlin’s most exclusive shopping miles. The Ex-„Hippie-District“ of Kreuzberg has what is called „the political correct answer“ to both of them: Bergmannstraße.
It’s Kreuzberg’s tourist and shopping mile. But you won’t get Cartier, Lagerfeld and Lafayette, you’ll find lots of liitle shops, intersting backyards and cafes.

Don’t  start your visit at the wrong end which begins at underground station Südstern. You only will see cemeteries and gravestone shops for half a mile.
The nice side of Bergmannstr. doesn’t have an underground station of it’s own. You best take U7 to Gneißenaustr. and walk over.

Once a year (in June or July) there’s a big street party called „Bergmannstraßenfest“, famous all over Berlin. In 2008 it’s from June 27 to June 29.
You can find the dates for following years at:

Nearby points of interest:
Kreuzberg (the hill)

How to get there:
U6 Platz der Luftbrücke, U7 Gneisenaustr.